About ECI
“We believe that, for students, the learning process in high school or university level should be pleasurable and engaging”
Edu-Coach International (ECI) is the first service entity in Indonesia run by professionals with years of experience and expertise in the field of education and student orientation. Our mission is: to be engaged in motivating students, and to help them realize that each student can have a success story.
We realize that there are more challenges for students of the 21st century. Globalization, financial crisis, economy's uncertainty, and even environment will impact students' post-academic outlook in career possibilities, competitiveness or existing skill/profession demand. To minimize the risk of students' feeling hopeless, left-behind, clueless or uninterested, with regard to education or their prospect, we believe that students need to prepare themselves for their future as early as possible.
Since 2006 ECI has helped many pupils and students. We provide professional assistance to students in maximizing their talent and their potential, as well as in becoming strong individuals who can deal with challenges, changes or unpredictable situations.
We also believe that the learning process (especially in high school or university level) should be enjoyable and engaging for students, instead of imposing; just as working should be for an employee.
We assist students in finding ways to manage stressful situations caused by the mishandling and/or misperception of a field of study and of the learning process itself. We also guide them toward finding their individual identity, which is extremely important in building their self-confidence. From there the learning process could then be accomplished with greater potential and enthusiasm.
Greetings from Miss Fida

Hi! My name is Fida Muljono-Larue, the managing director of ECI. I have been involved in Education Coaching for many years; and to this moment I’m proud to say that our Coaching program has helped many students deal with obstacles in their education, lack of motivation, career uncertainty etc.
For many of us, the word 'coach' brings to mind an image of a person (yes, usually an older guy) giving advice — sometimes by shouting, from the sideline — to athlete(s) at a sports game or competition. To these athletes, a coach is the trainer, facilitator and motivator.
However in mid 90s the business world also began using the term 'coaches' to refer to professional experts who are hired by big companies and corporate giants to help optimize their production/output. These 'business coaches' would lead special sessions whose purpose is to identify the set of skills and capabilities of the company’s employees, then to show these employees how to enable this set and channel it into their work.
In 2000, I was assigned by the French Embassy in Jakarta to create a branch office with a task of promoting France’s higher education among Indonesian people. At this agency, later known as CampusFrance, I was introduced to the coaching methods for students. I noticed that students who had coaching before leaving for abroad were more successful than those who went without it. But coaching specifically for students is still unfamiliar in Indonesia.
The experience in coaching and sending students abroad since 2007 made me wonder: "Why is Coaching aimed only for companies? What about the students who will later be required by these companies? Why not help these students when they are still in school?" So, I opened the first coaching office for students. I intend to help students establish their career planning, and help shape their future.
A wrong choice of study program can bring a loss not only to the family (in material form such as tuition fee), but also to the students (their motivation and future career). Before choosing a type of program students should know whether the study program matches their talents and personality, what their ideal future profession is, etc.
Education Coaching provides guidance to students in finding their identity, recognizing their potential(strengths and weaknesses), and exploring their talents. Coaching also teaches suitable learning methods for them, problem solving and self motivating skills.
I believe that Edu Coaching is actually a need for students from secondary (junior-high school) to academic level (university). Edu Coaching is a process and not merely consultation. The process will be made if the entire 'ingredients' are there and explored.
Just come and prove it !