“Many graduating high-school students don't have a plan or an objective for their future, and are not sure about what is offered at a university or about what major they want to pursue”

The Current Situation of Education in Indonesia
Currently, the educational system all over the world is undergoing changes, in line with globalization and technology advancement. In Indonesia, the system has changed dramatically since the social, economic and political crisis in 1997. The seemingly endless crisis eventually touched and shook the educational world in Indonesia. In the past, Education was under the complete control of the Ministry of Education and Culture (currently Ministry of National Education); but since the crisis, the control has been mostly delegated to educational institutions. Unfortunately, these institutions would implement their own methods which has resulted in non-standardized graduates.
The Problems faced by Pupils/Students
Close collaborations and interactions between students and their educational environment are essential for students. Educational institutions are demanded to produce successful and highly competent human resources that will eventually become the assets of international industries and companies.
Ideally, the students and educational institutions must be able to gain from one another; the learning process should not be solely a transfer of knowledge. Currently, many students are facing static institutions. These institutions believe that their task is 'only' to teach; while non-academic elements are not considered as part of their task. Aspects such as student's mental development, the joy of learning, potential enhancement or motivation enhancement are hence ignored
As a result, students probe in the dark trying to find a way to connect the unconnected, to find a way out. Many graduating high-school students don't have a plan or an objective for their future, and are not sure about what is offered at a university or about the field of study they want to major in. Without a plan and an objective, it is very likely that a student will choose a wrong field of study, because the selection is based on illusion.
In addition, there is a missing link from high school to university, and from university to the career or professional world. Only a few universities in Indonesia have faculties/schools that maintain good networks with its corresponding industry in the professional world.
One of the Solutions
These pupils/students need someone who can guide them and help them improve their performance, potential, and interest in the learning process. They need thorough and personal guidance because each individual has a unique personality and background. More important, they also need someone who can provide them with the right orientation with which they can use in building and paving a future career pathway.
Just like in sport, the advantage of having a coach in education is that each pupil/student will receive a step by step guidance to achieving a more positive result. The coach will assist the student to precisely identify the goals and will work with the student to decide on the right strategy to achieve them. The student will then be more apt to apply the strategy into a coherent action.
A good coach is one who dares to say no, and who will not allow the pupil/student to act irresponsibly. Therefore, within a short period of time there must be a high level of trust between a coach and a student.
Those who usually hire an Education Coach's service are students who have high motivation and ambition, but do not yet have a clue on how to achieve their goals. There are also students who need a coach just to motivate them to study.