Welcome to Edu-Coach International

At Edu-Coach International, we guide students toward finding their individual identity and building up their self-confidence.
Through “Education Coaching” sessions, students raise their learning motivation, recognize/identify talents and develop their potential. Within these sessions we can also help them make a decision on the right field of study at senior high school or university.
For University graduates, our services include assistance in building self-confidence within the students as they prepare to enter the world of professionals, in finding the right job or defining a career path that's relevant to their educational background, and many more.
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International Coaching Week
Tuesday, 7 February 2012 4.00 - 9.00 p.m. Binus University (Universitas Bina Nusantara) Jl. Hang Lekir Raya, Senayan
Learn about the benefits of coaching and using a professional coach. Free coaching clinics will be available to experience coaching yourself, for your corporate, business and/or personal goals. Come and meet us there! This event is organized by ICF Indonesia. (For more information please visit ICF Indonesia's website)
“…because future career must be prepared as early as possible”
How can ECI help: Types of Education Coaching
Each individual is unique and each has his/her own personality that adapts to the environment, family and society. The type of coaching method applied is designed according to the uniqueness of each individual.
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Who Can Benefit from Education Coaching?
Education Coaching is intended for students wishing to take charge of their life for a successful future, or in need of advice on how to optimize their potential that is conformable to their life-motivation, talents, determination, and their future objectives.
Our clients include students of all levels as well as fresh graduates. You may also be parents or legal guardians of a child and you feel concerned about your child's academic and personal development. We are here to help.
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Why ECI? Why Education Coaching?
- Because ECI is the first service entity in Indonesia managed by professionals with years of experience in the field of education and student orientation. ECI is always a step ahead in the field of education, in line with the job-market trend in Indonesia and overseas.
- Because nowadays, a misstep in deciding a field of study would be extremely costly in terms of time, money, or psychology development of the student. Because future career must be prepared as early as possible. We can help.
Read even more reasons here
What are our clients saying about ECI
“Edu-Coach guided me through any difficulties that i was facing, and the result of the coaching program was my obtaining a PhD in Law with Summa Cum Laude rank from Université Montpellier 1, at the age of twenty-nine.” — Julius Singara, SH, PhD
Still not convinced? Read other testimonials from students and parents of students who have taken benefits from Education Coaching. Read their comments
Questions For Parents
- Does your child study without enthusiasm?
- Do you think your child's school performance has slackened off?
- Do you believe that your child has high potential, yet his/her study results are 'so-so'?
- Do you believe that your child is very talented, but she/he has no guidance?
- Your child almost graduates from high school, but is not ready for higher education.
- You want your child to study overseas, but you are not sure in which country, or
- you don't know what to do and you feel helpless regarding your child's attitude toward formal education
If you think that you may be facing one or more of these situations, contact us! We may be able to help.